Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Inclusion, Basic EducationAbstract
In the school environment, it is clear that there is still difficulty for teachers to work with students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One aspect that still represents a challenge to be overcome by teachers is the elaboration of educational practices that attract the attention of those students and that helps in the learning process of these children. The objective of this study is to understand the educational practices in regular education for students with autism, taking into account that it is an issue of paramount importance for the process of inclusion of children in the school context. As an instrument of gathering information, was conducted interviews with teachers of a school of basic education of the municipal network of the city of Caxias - MA who had autistic students enrolled in their room of regular education. It was evidenced in the reports of teachers the presence of adaptations of content in your lessons. This is a positive aspect, because the teachers are looking for ways to ensure that the student understands the matter passed on. It was also found that teachers have not received any training offered by the school or by the municipality to work with autistic students. It may be noted that at this point the regular school is leaving much to be desired. There is a need for further research on the topic in question, since there is a search for educational practices and methodologies that involve the act of teaching students with autism.
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