The Playful Mathematics teaching:
The use of didactic games as a complementary method of the teaching-learning process
Education, Teaching, Games, PlayfulnessAbstract
Education is the key to the full development of any citizen, the school follows this development over many years, seeking to associate the disciplines with the students' daily lives. The subject of Mathematics is present throughout the school period, often being seen as the most difficult by students, a factor that is associated with the difficulty that students have in seeing the application of Mathematics in everyday life, which makes it difficult or even distances student interest in the content. This research aims to describe the importance of using didactic games in Mathematics classes for student learning. In order to have an overview of how games and playful materials can help in teaching mathematics, a bibliographical research was carried out and after an analysis of national and international articles available in databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scientific Electronic Library Online with data from the last 20 years (2003-2023). In the literature, we found several reviews but few case studies, practical experiments with students in the final grades of elementary school. In the analyzed articles, all studies presented favorable results for the application of games and ludic resources in mathematics teaching. It is possible to conclude that the games and the ludic didactic resources help in the teaching of mathematics, helping the teacher to bring the developed content closer to the daily reality of the students, showing that mathematics is present in all fields of our life, and can be learned in a way fun and dynamic.
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