Oceanic Education: didactic game “Tarta Certo” as an environmental awareness strategy
Educação ambiental, Década do Oceano, Sustentabilidade, Ecossistema marinho, Tartarugas marinhasAbstract
Ocean education is a strategy for socio-environmental transformation in the face of rapid and profound environmental changes in recent decades. In the present study, a game aimed at ocean education called "Tarta Certo" was developed as a proposal for didactic innovation that has children and adolescents as its target audience. The game has 120 cards with questions that involve ocean education using sea turtles as a flag, with aspects of their biology, behavior, threats and interactions in the marine and terrestrial ecosystem. The game was developed to be applied remotely and in person and the interactants are encouraged to answer the questions, being able to trigger the tips that are the cards with drawings that induce the correct answer. With the objective of elaborating an accessible and efficient didactic material in the environmental awareness, the game was evaluated by 20 teachers, who pointed out its innovative, creative character and of potential interest and adhesion of the students to optimize the teaching-learning process. Innovations in teaching-learning processes are one of the ways to optimize education as a platform for modifying the current scenario of threats to ecosystems. “Tarta Certo” was developed to be an alternative in environmental practices, intermediating the processes of citizen and socio-environmental construction.
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