Education and poverty: a hitotical-social construction
Education, Poverty, Social inequality, VulnerabilityAbstract
This article is an excerpt from the course conclusion work entitled “Historical-social construction of poverty: the school and its social function” and aims to understand the relationship between education and poverty from the school. For that, part of the literature that deals with the historical-social construction of poverty was analyzed, as well as the relationship between poverty and education was also observed based on articles, books, theses and dissertations that deal with the theme. Therefore, the school's social function was discussed with the proposition of an emancipatory and reality-transforming education, since the existence of poverty persists in our country, with direct effects on the life of each subject. Poverty exists and we cannot ignore it, so it is important to reflect on the school we have and the citizens we form, in order to denaturalize the problem and minimize social inequalities. In addition, the moment of writing this work converges with the pandemic scenario caused by Covid-19, which has subjected communities to conditions of extreme social, economic and public health vulnerability. Finally, education is the path for the formation of critical thinking and the development of public policies that consider the local reality.
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