Fazendo ciência cidadã com aplicativo de celular para conservação da biodiversidade amazônica, no Norte do Mato Grosso, Brasil
The objective of the present work is to analyze the importance of citizen science for the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity (plant, animal and fungal) in the Amazon, through the Great Bioblitz of the Southern Hemisphere-GSB in the Northern region of Mato Grosso in the 2021 edition. As methodological procedures, data from photographic records of individuals of fauna, flora and funga performed during the GSB event in northern Mato Grosso were used, freely available in the iNaturalist application database. In this way, it was possible to obtain and analyze the number of observations made, participants, species already identified and identifiers. The GSB of northern Mato Grosso had the participation of 23 people and presented a total of 554 observations, of which 303 species were identified through 104 identifiers. It was noted the presence of 6 introduced and 4 endangered species. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the citizen science event held through the GSB of Northern Mato Grosso, brought citizens closer to scientific knowledge, with the production of data from observations of living beings in the Amazon region. Bringing to light the knowledge of several species present in this region, noting that some were introduced into the environment and can cause loss of biodiversity, and others are at risk of extinction.
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