About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development (BRJPD) - ISSN: 2675-102X is a vehicle for scientific dissemination that emerged to give visibility to scientific research produced by researchers at all levels career, seeking to contribute to the generation and dissemination of scientific evidence to inform public policies and contribute to the development of the country.

Due to its interdisciplinary scope, and the characteristics of its idealization, the journal has no link with research institutions or a specific pos-graduate program. It is the result of the voluntary work of the editor-in-chief and other advisory members, and of the external evaluators who collaborate with the peer review system.

As of 2021, the journal passes to the administration of a commercial publisher (Wissen Editora), with the aim to professionalize its management and improve the editorial quality.

The Journal brings some innovations in the editorial process (as recommended by San Francisco Declaration - DORA) not imposing limits (such as the number of pages, words, figures) and accepting multiple styles of formatting bibliographic references - (articles in APA and ABNT format are accepted), in order to include articles by Brazilian and international researchers.

The journal publishes theoretical, empirical research articles (case studies), experience reports, interviews, expanded summaries and book reviews. 

Articles in the following areas of knowledge are accepted:

Humanities: (Anthropology, Archeology, Political Science and International Relations, Sciences of Religion and Theology, Education, Philosophy, Geography, History, Psychology, Sociology, Arts, Linguistics and Literature)

Applied Social Sciences: (Public and Business Administration, Accounting, Tourism, Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Communication and information, Law, Economics, Urban and Regional Planning, Demography, Social Work).

The journal's goal is that the maximum time between article submission, evaluation, and final decision will be 40 days.

Frequency: quarterly.

Editions are published at:

March 30th

June 30th

September 30th

December 30th


The Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development (e-ISSN: 2675-102X) wishes to publish research on a wide variety of topics in the social and human sciences, seeking to contribute to the generation and dissemination of scientific evidence to inform public policies and contribute to the development of the country. It aims to become a democratic space for scientific dissemination by publishing various manuscripts, such as: articles, expanded abstracts, interviews, reports of experiences and book reviews.


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Submeta seu trabalho para publicação em uma de nossas revistas acadêmicas.

  1. Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development (BRJPD)

Área: Ciências Humanas e Sociais

  1. Revista Ensinar

Área: Ensino de Ciências Naturais

  1. Journal of Research in Medicine and Health - JORMED

Área: Saúde e Médica

  1. Journal of Education, Science and Health – JESH

Área: Multidisciplinar

  1. Revista Base Científica

Área: Multidisciplinar (para publicação de trabalhos de graduação, TCCs, relatos)


Artigos avaliados por pares, publicação em fluxo contínuo, média de 90 dias em acesso aberto, garantindo gilidade e maior acesso à sua pesquisa.

Acesse nosso portal de revistas em https://bio10publicacao.com.br/.

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Current Issue

Vol. 4 (2022): BRJPD
Published: 2024-02-25


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