Configuration of livestreams in the context of pandemia and the voices of globalization
Livestreams, Voices of Globalization, Social interactionAbstract
This article discusses the evolution of livestreams from the television format to the way this mediatic model configures itself on the internet. Our objective is to draw a historical panorama about the process of the constitution of Livestreams in the media and its impacts on the voices of globalization. The theoretical perspective of the critical discourse analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2006) will base our view on the form of the constitution of the voices of globalization in the constitution of Livestreams as mass media. The process-methodological bone consisted of presenting a path about the authors of the information technology area that present the evolutionary process of books and interviewed two users of this communication format. The results point to the way in which lives have impacted institutional practices, marked by the voices of globalization, in the context of the pandemic (2020).
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