About the Journal

The Journal of Research in Medicine and Health - JORMED (Revista de Pesquisa em Medicina e Saúde), is a multidisciplinary journal in the area of Medical Sciences and Health, published in continuous flow, thus making articles available as soon as they are approved and edited. The average period between submission and publication ranges from 30 to 90 days, depending on the adjustments made by the authors. Our objective is to promote science through open access to information, with quality, sustainability and cost optimization. JORMED accepts studies produced at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels and from researchers at all career levels.
The Journal of Research in Medicine and Health - JORMED publishes scientific research produced at the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels, by Brazilian and foreign researchers at all career levels.
  • Medical Sciences and subareas
  • Health Sciences and subareas
The Journal of Research in Medicine and Health – JORMED, publishes the following types of articles:
Original articles
  • Total number of pages: 6 to 15.
  • Maximum number of tables and figures: 6.
  • NNumber of references: 15 to 35.
  • Abstracts: 150 to 250 words.

Review articles
Systematic review and meta-analysis - - Through the synthesis of results from original, quantitative or qualitative studies, it aims to answer a specific question of relevance to public health. It describes the search process for original studies, the criteria used to select those that were included in the review, and the procedures used in the synthesis of results obtained from the reviewed studies. Consult:
MOOSE: checklist and flowchart for meta-analyses and systematic reviews of observational studies;
PRISMA: checklist and flowchart for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Narrative or critical - It has a descriptive-discursive character and is dedicated to the comprehensive presentation and discussion of topics of scientific interest in the field of Medical and Health Sciences. It must present a clear formulation of a scientific object of interest, logical argumentation, theoretical-methodological criticism of the consulted works and conclusive synthesis.
  • Total number of pages: 6 to 16.
  • Maximum number of tables and figures: 5.
  • NNumber of references: unlimited.
  • Abstracts: 150 to 250 words.

Case studies
It is a scientific research that analyzes a current phenomenon in its real context and the variables that influence it. It is an intensive and systematic study of an institution, community or individual that allows the examination of complex phenomena.
  • Total number of pages: 6 to 13.
  • Maximum number of tables and figures: 5.
  • NNumber of references: 10 to 25
  • Abstracts: 150 to 250 words.

Case or experience reports
DDescribe a positive or negative experience that can contribute to building knowledge in the area of expertise. The experience is always described in detail and in a contextualized way. It should expose with objectivity, the difficulties faced and the ways to solve the problems.
  • Total number of pages: 6 to 13.
  • Maximum number of tables and figures: 5.
  • NNumber of references: 10 to 25
  • Abstracts: 150 to 250 words.

Brief communication
They are short reports of findings that are of interest to public health, but do not support a more comprehensive analysis and a longer discussion.
  • Total number of pages: 3 to 6.
  • Maximum number of tables and figures: 2.
  • NNumber of references: 5 to 10
  • Abstracts: up to 150 words.

All submitted articles must involve the theme of Medical and Health Sciences and must be unpublished.
Manuscripts by Brazilian authors must be submitted in Portuguese. When accepted for publication, they must be translated into English. The translation may be the responsibility of the authors or be carried out by JORMED partners, with an additional cost.
The evaluation of each article is done by peers using the double blind peer review method. That is, each article is evaluated by two external ad hoc reviewers, specialists in the field and with high experience and academic qualifications. Each article is evaluated without identifying the authorship of the evaluators and their authors (blind evaluation). Upon receipt of the article, the Editor in charge forwards it to two ad hoc reviewers registered in the JORMED Reviewers' Team. The evaluators have one week (7 days) to express availability or unavailability to evaluate the manuscript and, if they are available, they have another week (7 days) to send the opinion.

If the reviewer is not available, the Editor forwards it to the next reviewer until two reviewers are available. The evaluators' possible recommendations are as follows: acceptable without revision; acceptable with some revision; acceptable with extensive revision; not acceptable (acceptable without revision implies the direct approval of the manuscript, without the need for modifications and adjustments; acceptable with some revision refers to the approval of the manuscript, but highlighting the need for minor adjustments; acceptable with extensive revision means that the manuscript can be published , but it needs considerable adjustments and modifications in the body of the text; not acceptable means that the manuscript cannot be published). After two opinions are sent to the Editor, in case of divergences between the recommendations (one acceptable and one not acceptable), the Editor sends the manuscript to a third ad hoc reviewer.

After relying on the opinions recorded in the system, the responsible Editor makes an editorial decision. The possibilities of the editorial decision are:
  • Accept: implies the direct approval of the text, without the need for adjustments;
  • Required Revisions: implies the need to comply with the recommendations of the ad hoc evaluators;
  • Submit to a new round: means that the text was not approved, but can be approved after adjustments and a new evaluation by the same ad hoc evaluators of the first round;
  • Reject: implies the refusal and non-acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the Journal.
After registering the editorial decision, the Editor in charge sends an e-mail to the main author of the article informing the decision and providing the opinions of the evaluators. If the manuscript is accepted or revisions are requested, the author(s) has/have up to 15 days to send the manuscript version to the Editor, via the Journal's system, with the corrections made by the evaluators and other documentation. required for publication. The entire process of submission, evaluation and communication of the submitted articles takes place through the JORMED Journal electronic system.
The following aspects are considered in the evaluation process, as well:
  • Relevance and originality.
  • Compliance with the magazine's standards.
  • Rigor, precision and objectivity in writing.
  • Clarity and pertinence of the research problem and objectives.
  • Theoretical foundation adequate to the theme.
  • Adequacy of the title to the content.
  • Coherent structure.
  • Clarity in methodology.
  • Presentation of results and relevant discussion.
  • Conclusions or Final Considerations consistent with the rest of the study.
Submission and publication in continuous streaming. Articles are published shortly after approval and editing of the article.
There is no charge for article submission. A fee of R$ 250.00 (for Brazilian authors) and US$ 75.00 (for foreign authors) is charged for publication of the accepted article. When authors choose to translate the article with JORMED, a fee of BRL 250.00 will be charged to cover the cost of the service, which is performed by a partner. Totaling BRL 500.00. The amounts raised are used to cover the cost of maintaining the journal, registering the DOI and publishing the article, to guarantee publication in open access.
Journal of Research in Medicine and Health – JORMED offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific and philosophical knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. All content in the journal follows the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
The submitted articles go through anti-plagiarism software to detect plagiarism before being forwarded to reviewers. Works that contain signs of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be promptly rejected and archived.
The Journal of Research in Medicine and Health - JORMED allows self-archiving on personal sites, institutional repositories, thematic repositories, etc. The self-archiving or deposit of works can be done at the time of publication of the articles. The published version that can be used for this deposit is the post-print (editorial version).

Email: jormed.journal@gmail.com