
  • Jean-Pierre Rossie Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal




Cultura Lúdica, Jogo, brinquedos, antropologia do jogo


O presente artigo se trata de uma versão adaptada do capítulo, com o mesmo título, publicado em meu livro “Toys, Play, Culture and Society. An anthropological approach with reference to North Africa and the Sahara” (p. 81-91). Este livro foi disponibilizado em formato digital (E-book) no ano de 2013.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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BROUGÈRE, G. La poupée industrielle, miroir de la société. Les Etats Généraux de la Poupée. Série: “Jouets et Poupées. Etudes et Documents”, n. 2. Paris CERP, p. 127-135, 1985.

DURAND, A. Les plus vieux jouets du monde. In: BROUGÈRE, G. Le Jouet. Valeurs et paradoxes d’un petit objet secret. Paris: Editions Autrement, 1992, p. 142-147.

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ROSSIE, J-P. Toys, Play, Culture and Society. An Anthropological Approach with Reference to North Africa and the Sahara. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 2005/2013.

__________. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Children’s Dolls and Doll Play. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 2005a.

__________. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. The Animal World in Play, Games and Toys. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 2005b.

__________. Children’s Play and Toys in Changing Moroccan Communities. In: MCMAHON, F. F.; LYTLE, D. E.; SUTTON-SMITH, B. (Orgs.). Play: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis, Play & Culture Studies, v. 6. University Press of America: Oxford, 2005c, p. 97-111.

__________. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Domestic Life in Play, Games and Toys. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 2008.

__________. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Technical activities in play, games and toys. Foreword by Sudarshan Khanna, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 2013.

__________. Comparing play and toys from Greco-Roman antiquity with traditional play and toys from rural North Africa. Working document for Images at stake: cultural transfers and continuity, CUSO doctoral program Historical Anthropology, Ancient and Modern Worlds, Fribourg. Switzerland: ERC Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520), 2020. Disponível em:

__________. PowerPoint: Comparing play and toys from Greco-Roman antiquity with traditional play and toys from rural North Africa. Fribourg, Switzerland: ERC Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520), 49 slides, 2020. Disponível em:

__________. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Commented bibliography on play, games and toys, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 2021.

ROSSIE, J.-P.; CLAUS, G. J. M. (1983). Imitation de la vie féminine dans les jeux des filles Ghrib (Sahara tunisien). In: Liber Memorialis. Prof. Dr. P.J. Vandenhoute 1913-1978. Gent, Belgium: Seminarie voor Etnische Kunst, State University Ghent, 1983.

ROSSIE, J.-P., JARIAA, KH., DAOUMANI, B. & FASSOULAS, A. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Make-believe play among children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas. Foreword by Luisa Magalhães, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 2 volumes, 2021.

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West Africa’s Oldest Metropolis. The Unesco Courrier, Paris, May, n. 3, p.12-13,1984.




Como Citar

ROSSIE, J.-P. BRINQUEDOS, BRINCADEIRAS, REPRODUÇÃO SOCIOCULTURAL E CONTINUIDADE. Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 120–133, 2021. DOI: 10.52367/BRJPD.2675-102X.2021.3.3.120-133. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 fev. 2025.