Revista Ensinar <p>A <strong>Revista Ensinar (RENSIN)</strong>, <span class="OYPEnA text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none"><strong>eISSN: 2965-4823</strong>, </span>realiza publicações na área de ensino de Ciências da Natureza (Ciências, Biologia, Química e Física). As submissões ocorrem em fluxo contínuo, assim, disponibiliza os artigos tão logo aprovados e editorados, para garantir que o tempo máximo entre submissão e publicação seja entre 30 e 90 dias. A Revista Ensinar aceita estudos produzidas nos níveis de graduação, mestrado e doutorado e de pesquisadores em todos os níveis de carreira. E temos como objetivo promover a ciência por meio do acesso aberto à informação, com qualidade, sustentabilidade e otimização dos custos.</p> Bio10 Digital Cursos pt-BR Revista Ensinar 2965-4823 THE GALLERY WALK AND THE DIDATIC MODELS´ CONSTRUCTION FOR THE TEACHING OF EMBRIOLOGY IN COURSES OF THE HEALTH AREA <p><em>The teaching and learning of Embryology present some challenges on the part of teachers, mainly because of the scarcity of didactic materials, which allow students to understand the concepts and the dynamics involved. The classes are restricted only to the theoretical part and observation of images and schemes, not providing the student with a more active role within the classroom. Thus, it is necessary to develop alternative strategies, so that they can be protagonists of the construction of their own knowledge. In this scenario, active methodologies emerge as a way of offering quality education, in which the student becomes the center of the educational process and not just a supporting actor. The objective of this didactic proposal was to provide undergraduate students in the health area with a better understanding of the study of Embryology. For this, an activity was carried out divided into three stages: (1) lectures dialogued about the different phases of embryonic development; (2) making didactic models, through the use of modeling mass, of these steps and (3) the use of the collaborative methodology Gallery Walk, to discuss special topics within this discipline. Given this, it was observed that through these tools students could learn in a clearer, motivating and contextualized way. These resources are facilitating agents that generate greater interaction and dynamism, favoring a significant learning, because it is the learner who performs the action during the acquisition of information. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp; </em></p> Fabiana Luca Alves Marina Peixoto Vianna Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ensinar 2023-08-09 2023-08-09 1 1 1 14 10.52832/rensin.v1i1.213 HISTOMOB: DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A WEBSITE FOR THE STUDY OF HISTOLOGY <p>The aim of this work was to develop a website that would contribute to teaching and learning in the discipline of Histology in higher education. To achieve this, the course monitors used the Webnode platform to create the site. To assess educational aspects of learning, a questionnaire was given to students, created using the Google Forms tool and consisting of five questions based on the content available on the site. The goal was to evaluate the platform and understand its importance in students' study routines. The results indicate that the platform was well-received, with positive feedback on internal content such as games, atlases, theoretical content, and video lectures. This underscores the significance of digital tools in universities to enhance teaching and learning conditions&nbsp;in&nbsp;Histology.</p> Emanoel da Silva Félix Maria Laura Alves de Sousa Anderson Weiny Barbalho Silva Ricardo de Oliveira Tavares Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ensinar 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 1 1 1 14 10.52832/rensin.v1.235 ECOLOGY METAGAME: A PLAYFUL APPROACH PROPOSAL TO POPULATION DYNAMICS <p>Ecological themes are widely addressed in the classroom, but usually with a conceptualization of processes. Therefore, it is necessary for ecological approaches to be explored beyond theoretical classes to enhance learning. One methodology that can be employed to address Biology topics is educational games. The objective of this work is to present a game proposal for teaching population dynamics called "Metagame of Ecology." For this purpose, cards were developed with problem situations, luck or misfortune based on natural or human-caused situations involved in population parameters (births, deaths, emigration, and immigration). Additionally, important terms for understanding metapopulation dynamics, such as dispersion and genetic variability, as well as the carrying capacity of an area, were addressed. In conclusion, this game can be an excellent tool for learning about population dynamics and metapopulation.</p> Lorena de Oliveira Tabosa Nascimento Carlos Henrique Nascimento Tabosa Leandra Marques Chaves Melim Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ensinar 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 1 1 1 9 10.52832/rensin.v2.239 USE OF PODCAST IN BIOLOGY TEACHING:A METHODOLOGICAL POSSIBILITY <p>In the context of the use of digital technologies associated with education, this study aimed to investigate the acceptability and performance of Basic Education students with regard to the use of podcasts as a methodological tool in Biology Teaching. With a qualitative aspect, the research was developed in a basic education group of the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA), Campus Abaetetuba, composed of 30 students, in the following phases: 1 – presentation of the methodological proposal; 2 – production of Podcasts; 3 – presentation of Podcasts in the classroom; and 4 – production and application of a questionnaire that investigates the students' perception. The results showed that most students believe that digital technologies contribute to Biology Teaching. However, few students knew the Podcast as a methodological tool for teaching. In any case, they agree that this tool can contribute to learning in Biology and feel capable of producing it. The perspective is that the Podcast will be increasingly used in Biology Teaching, in view of its advantages related to the easy production, dissemination and understanding of information. &nbsp;</p> Natanael Charles da Silva Adauto de Vasconcelos Montenegro Edimilson Matias Lima Antonio Alison Pinheiro Martins Ana Gabriela Rodrigues Cardoso Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Ensinar 2023-07-31 2023-07-31 1 1 1 12 10.52832/rensin.v1.211